On July 8, 2019, Judge Curtis G. Clark retired as the Master In Equity for Abbeville County after 18 years of service. A new Master In Equity was sworn into this position and we would like to congratulate The Honorable Roy R. Hemphill. Judge Hemphill has been practicing law in the Greenwood and Abbeville County area for over 25 years. He currently is a partner of the McDonald Patrick Poston Hemphill & Roper, LLC law firm in uptown Greenwood.   Judge Clark will still be acting as the Special Referee Judge for Greenwood, McCormick, Abbeville (when needed), and other counties around the upstate. Please bare with us as we transition during this process. We are still going to have the Abbveille County sales list on our website for the next several months.  

If you have any questions regarding a Abbeville County foreclosure case you will now need to contact Judge Hemphill's office and speak to Michelle Cohen at (864) 388-1026. 

Deficiency Demanded Sales List

Please click the button below and you should be able to view

the sales list through adobe reader.

**Please note that changes and cancellations will be updated until the morning of the foreclosure sale.

2.  First-Citizens Bank vs. Estate of Hawkins - Case Number Revised to (

Abbeville County Sales List

Sales Date:  September 3, 2024

Time: 2:00 p.m.

Place: Abbeville County Courthouse

102 Court Square, Abbeville, South Carolina 29620

September Sales List

Please click the button below and you should be able to

view the sales list through adobe reader.

This list is for our office administration purposes only. Please verify information by checking the Index Journal and/or Press and Banner newspapers.

Changes or Cancellations: